Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Seer Anointing II: And the Blessings of Psalm 24
In the new book, Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Seer Anointing II and the Blessings of Psalm 24, Kevin Basconi continues to open up the hidden mysteries of the seer anointing. This book is a standalone sequel to Kevin's first book on the seer anointing. In his new offering Kevin shares a sequential series of powerful testimonies of angelic visitations and supernatural experiences. These testimonies of visitations of Jesus and the Lord's angelic beings span a full decade. On February 25th, 2014 Kevin had a powerful visitation of the spirit of wisdom and revelation and was launched into a powerful seer experience. During this time he was given keys to help the friends of God activate and unlock their inherent ability to see into the spiritual realms; the seer anointing.
This amazing new book is a great read and it is full of Kingdom keys and revelation from Psalm 24 and other places that can help you to activate and accelerate the seer gift and anointing in your life. The Seer Anointing and the Blessings of Psalm 24 contains many prayers of activation and impartation to open the eyes of the readers understanding to both see and hear in a new way!
Recently Michael Dansforth (a proven seer) prophesied during a time of spontaneous worship about how we are going to see things in a new way and we are going to hear things in a new way. We have stepped into a new season and God is opening up realms in His Kingdom. Many of these supernatural realms have not been available to us before. I am speaking about the realms of glory, the heavenly realms, the very domain of God almighty, Eloheim. I am speaking about the realms of the seer anointing and the ability to have Godly discernment in all things.
It is absolutely necessary for us to see and hear well at this hour. We must learn to discover to see and to hear in a new way today. God has revelations that He has hidden and held back in the Kingdom of Heaven for such a time as this. These hidden mysteries will empower us to walk in the fullness of Christ and enable us to usher in the Kingdom of God the way the Lord wants us to demonstrate the Kingdom at this hour. This book will activate you to see and hear things in a heavenly perspective. We must expect to go boldly where few men have gone before.
We can develop our spiritual senses to see in more than one way! Remember what the Lord said in Luke 8:10, 18; "To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that "Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand; Therefore, take heed how you hear". Clearly Jesus was teaching us that there are many ways that you can hear and perceive.
The Spirit of God is beginning to train and equip His people to see and hear in a new and supernatural way in these last days. The Lord is beginning to raise up mature sons and daughters of God who will be like Christ (Romans 8:19). They will learn to see and hear into the heavenly realms. They will see and hear what their heavenly Father is doing, and then like Jesus they will simply do those things and amazing manifestations of the Kingdom of Heaven will transpire. Miracles, signs, and wonders from the Lord of Hosts will begin to become much more common and plentiful.
When we come into that place, that supernatural place of God's presence and His glory, we begin to get revelation and to have supernatural understanding of these dynamics in the Kingdom of God. These revelations can totally transform who we are in Christ. This supernatural knowledge can transform our lives in an instant and in the twinkle of an eye. We can receive revelation; we can receive miracles; we can receive healings; we can receive all sorts of supernatural blessings in the seer realms. We can position ourselves to receive the blessings of Almighty God in the glory realms. God is still opening up to His friends His good treasure the heavens and raining out supernatural blessings today (Deuteronomy