Ursack Major (formerly S29.3 AllWhite) Bear Resistant Food Storage Bag
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Ursack Major (formerly S29.3 AllWhite) Bear Resistant Food Storage Bag
650 cubic inches
The Ursack S29.3 AllWhite (IGBC cert. no. 3738) is made of "bullet proof" Spectra fabric and is designed to prevent bears from getting your food in their territory. It comes with an integrated six foot, 2,500 pound tensile strength cord. It weighs 7.8 ounces and is about 24 inches in circumference (<8″ dia.), 14 inches tall and holds about 650 cubic inches (10.6 Liters). If packed only with freeze dried food, it will hold 37 servings of breakfast, lunch and dinner-six days of food for two people (or 57 tennis balls). This is the smaller of the two Ursack S29s--the Major is 50% bigger--see picture with Nalgene bottle. The AllWhite does not come with an odor barrier bag (OPSak) or an aluminum liner. Both must be purchased separately. Without the optional aluminum liner, your food may be crushed, ripped or punctured. Or, it may not. We highly recommend OPSak, which is designed to always be used inside the AllWhite. While the AllWhite is critter resistant, the Ursack Minor or AllMitey may be better suited for that task.The Ursack with improved Spectra seams (beginning April 2014) passed the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee test and was placed on its bear-resistant products list on July 31, 2014. That list is the one relied on by many, but not all, wilderness agencies, and restrictions may still apply. Some areas may require hard sided canisters. Limited Lifetime Warranty. We will replace, or refund the cost of, any properly used Ursack S29.3 AllWhite in which a gap, tear or hole larger than 1/4 inch is caused by a bear. This 1/4 inch standard is the criteria used in the IGBC test protocol. Note: Due to the difficulty in weaving high tech Spectra, we can't always deliver pristine white fabric (the only color available). Your Ursack may arrive with minor cosmetic blemishes. You won't see these once you have used Ursack in the wilderness, and these in no way compromise the performance of the product. Some units may have different color thread or rope than those pictured.