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Uruguay (Classic Reprint)
The author has to tender his cordial thanks for the extreme courtesy and for the invaluable assistance rendered during his stay in the country by the Uruguayan officials, and by theB ritish Minister Plenipotentiary, Mr. J. R. Kennedy. He is desirous of expressing the obligations under which he has been placed by Mr. C. E. R. Rowland, British Consul atM ontevideo, for general assistance and information on the seal fisheries ;S efior Jos6 H. Figueira, for the description of the aboriginal tribes ;S enor Ramos Montero, for the commercial technicalities of the pastoral industry ;and Mr. V. Hinde, for the paper on theB ritish railways in Uruguay. Thanks are due to a number of British residents, both in Montevideo and the Campo, greater than it is possible to enumerate individually. The author would more especially acknowledge the courtesy of Messrs. Stapledon, W. J. Maclean, H. Hall-H all, C. W. Baine, Temple, R. Booth, Piria, A dams, R. B. Harwar, L. L. Mercer, Warren, and J. Storm. Mr. R. A. Bennett, who accompanied the author for the purpose of photography, displayed an unremitting zeal that must be gratefully recognised. He is responsible for much of the information on Mercedes, theS wiss colony, and the frontier town of Rivera. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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