A special solo adventure for Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor, in the second of three stories dealing with the Doctor's latest battle with arch enemy the Master...The Doctor suspects the hand of his oldest enemy behind a spate of mysterious disappearances...but will he even recognise the 'new' Master, when he arrives at the scene of one of their earlier encounters. Big Finish's main range of Doctor Who stories began in 1999, and has featured television Doctors Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann across its 212 tales. Writer Justin Richards has worked in a variety of roles connected with Doctor Who, including a number of novels for the BBC. He's also the writer and creator of The Invisible Detective series of books. Star Colin Baker recorded this just as the 2015 I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here candidates were announced - a series close to his heart after a popular appearance in 2012. Alex Macqueen first appeared as the Master in Big Finish's Doctor Who spin-off UNIT: Dominion, going on to confront the Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) in the hugely successful Doctor Who - Dark Eyes series. CAST: Colin Baker (The Doctor), Alex Macqueen (The Master), John Standing (Professor Threadstone), Kate Kennedy (Heather Threadstone), Neil Edmond (Boatman/Guard), Catriona Knox (Landlady), Elliot Levey (Gobernar).