Vegetable Juicing for Everyone: How to Get Your Family Healthier and Happier, Faster!
This is the ONLY juicing book that is really fun - and really funny- to read. Learn about how the authors' kids got their carotene tans . . . and their carrot juice mustaches. You will also hear what is is like to grow up with juicing as a part of daily life. No antibiotics, not one, not ever. In fact, Dr. Saul's children never even met their pediatricians.
You cannot buy freshly prepared vegetable juice in any store at any price... unless they literally juice the vegetables right in front of your eyes and you drink it down before they make you pay for it. Any juice in a carton, can, or bottle has been heat treated and was certainly packaged at least a few days, if not weeks, months, or even years ago. This applies to frozen juice, too. So you need to make your own. This book tells you how, and more especially, exactly why you want to juice.
You will also find lots of juicing hints, personal stories, and solid medical support for juicing all manner of produce. Lose weight, eliminate gastrointestinal problems, banish fatigue, fight cancer, prevent chronic infection, and much more.