This is not an unauthorized replica or counterfeit item. This is an original inspired design and does not infringe on any rights holders rights. The words used in the title and/or search terms are not intended to imply they are licensed by any rights holders
Cute gift for expecting moms! At TeeStars we are an eclectic bunch of youthful characters who share a common passion for pop cloture. We know that today's present is tomorrow's vintage we have great respect for our company's product. Our goal is to let our customers express themselves freely by wearing what represents them best. We believe that wearing our shirts and tops can let you feel a part of something big or make you stand out from the crowd, it can get you to connect with people who share your style and passion, it can help you show the world what you are all about and it could often just raise a big, healthy smile. We hope that you would love and appreciate the thought and the heart we put in to our creations. This top quality, short sleeved T-shirt is the best gift idea to treat yourself or someone close to you! Get this cool, unique design in a variety of colors and sizes. Don't Hesitate! 100% satisfaction guaranteed - excellent customer service and an easy return policy. Soft knitted stretch fabric 4.5 oz, 100% combed ringspun cotton jersey, Machine washable.