Voices of the Food Revolution: You Can Heal Your Body and Your World─With Food! (Plant-Based Diet Benefits)
Did you know that:
- More than 80% of the foods you eat in restaurants and buy at supermarkets contain genetically engineered ingredients, and that these ingredients have been linked to toxic and allergic reactions in people; sickness, sterility, and fatalities in livestock; and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals?
- If you don't count French fries, ketchup or pizza as vegetables, more than half of Americans eat no vegetables at all?
- Cows raised for meat are impacting our climate more than cars?
- It's possible to be a positive food revolutionary without sounding like a self-righteous nag?
Join John and Ocean Robbins for 21 intimate, game-changing conversations with some of the world's leading "food revolutionaries": scientists, doctors, teachers, farmers, economists, activists, and nutritionists working on food issues today. Introduced and with commentary by John Robbins and his son Ocean, the book features luminaries such as:
- Dean Ornish, MD, on his years-in-the-making breakthrough with Medicare (his program for healing heart disease is now covered)
- Kathy Freston on making incremental, manageable changes to how we eat
- T. Colin Campbell, PhD, (author of the famed China Study) with the latest research on animal protein and human health
- Joel Fuhrman, MD (author of the bestselling Eat to Live), on achieving excellent health through diet
- Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic on wiping out heart disease by changing what we eat
- Vandana Shiva, PhD, on GMOs and Big Ag
- Rory Freedman on how to stop eating misery and start looking fabulous
- Raj Patel on building a saner global food policy
Each contributor discusses his or her work in depth, but together they make one rallying cry: for a healthy, sustainable, humane, and delicious revolution in how we and the world are fed. Over twenty-five years ago John Robbins started a revolution. This book is proof of how far we've come, a fascinating look behind the scenes of the multi-faceted food movement, and a call to join in the work of ensuring our health and food future.