Vold's Theoretical Criminology
Vold's Theoretical Criminology, Sixth Edition, presents the most precise, up-to-date, and comprehensive overview of criminological theory available, building on the foundation of George B. Vold's Theoretical Criminology, which paved the way for a generation of criminological theorists.
Coupled with new, student-friendly features, the sixth edition features expanded discussions of: empirical research within specific theories; the "biosocial" approach; theoretical explanations for gendered differences in crime; low self-control and the general theory of crime; Control Balance Theory; and General Strain Theory. In addition, the text covers such new topical areas as Lonnie Athens's Theory of "Violentization;" Agnew's General Theory; Zimbardo's "Lucifer Effect;" the Cambridge Youth Violence Study; and Coercion and Social Support. Offering improved pedagogy--including new Key Terms lists and end-of-chapter Discussion Questions--this new edition also presents additional material on policy implications.