Vosges Haut-Chocolat A Collection of Dark Chocolate Caramel Bonbons, 16 Ounce
72 percent cacao dark chocolate
Gluten-free and non-GMO
Fair trade certified
Our chocolate uses real ingredients, keep in a cool, dry place until serving.
Processed on equipment that also processes Milk, Soy, Peanuts and Tree Nuts.
Caramel; dark chocolate. 70% cacao. How to enjoy an exotic candy bar: Breathe: Engage your senses. Take three deep ujjayi breaths, quiet the chattering mind and be in the present moment. See: There should be a glossy shine to the chocolate bar indicating a tight bond between the cocoa butter and the cocoa mass. Smell: Rub your thumb on the chocolate bar's surface to help release the fruity, cacao laden aromas. Inhale deeply. Snap: Break the bar in two pieces. Listen to the soft break, exposing the chocolate bar's molten caramel interior. Taste: Place a small piece of chocolate on your tongue and press it to the roof of your mouth. Within thirty seconds the chocolate square will melt, releasing a bouquet of rich burnt caramel notes with the essence of black Hawaiian salt. Black Hawaiian salt or hiwa kai is a blend of sea salt and volcanic charcoal. The salt is harvested naturally in ocean pools that have formed from past volcanic eruptions. The salt's striking obsidian hue is matched only by its flavor on your palate, slightly nutty and smoky, the perfect combination with caramel and dark chocolate. Peace, love and chocolate - Katrina. 100% recycled paperboard. Made with renewable energy. Certified WBEN Women's Business Enterprise. Gluten-free.