SCENT:Trophy Buck Lure is made from 100% natural rutting buck urine, enhanced with tarsal and interdigital gland secretions to provoke a territorial response from other bucks and works as a curiosity lure during the early season.
APPLICATION METHOD: 1oz liquid lure with secure closing cap seals to help prevent spillage and keep the whitetail deer scent fresh. The Scent Bombs keep fresh lure in the air by constantly wicking the product up from the bottle.
HOW TO USE: Pour the Tink’s Trophy Buck Lure into the Scent Bomb, soak the wick, and hang it to attract deer throughout the day.
SIZE: Conveniently packaged with a 1-ounce bottle of Trophy Buck Lure and a 1-ounce capacity Scent Bomb for convenient use in the field.
ABOUT US: Established in 1972, Tink’s has been the most trusted leader in deer scents & lures for 50+ years. Whether you're pursuing trophy whitetails, black bears, big bull elk, monster moose, or pigs, Tink’s has the products you need to succeed.
Tink’s Trophy Buck Lure is 100% natural rutting buck urine collected from dominant animals and reinforced with tarsal gland and interdigital gland secretions. The rutting odor of Trophy Buck induces a territorial challenge to the buck and provokes him to seek out the foreign buck. Excellent product to use when rattling or grunting. This same lure works as a curiosity lure in early season when bucks often travel in bachelor groups.