The Gaunt Summoner's lair requires more heroes! Presenting a set of 44 additional hero cards, each containing the rules to use a model from your Warhammer Age of Sigmar collection in your games of Warhammer Quest Silver Tower! The Characters Grot Shaman Savage Orruk Warboss Orruk Weirdnob Shaman Orruk Warchanter Necromancer Nomad Prince Assassin Sorceress Black Ark Fleetmaster Loremaster Unforged Runelord Warden King Cogsmith Battlemage Auric Runemaster Battlesmith Grimwrath Berzerker Skink Starpriest Saurus Oldblood Lord-Celestant Lord-Castellant Lord-Relictor Knight-Azyros Knight-Vexillor Knight-Heraldor Knight-Venator Grey Seer Skaven Warlord Great Bray-Shaman Lord of Plagues Bloodstoker Bloodsecrator Slaughterpriest Slaughterpriest With Hackblade and Wrath-hammer Skullgrinder Aspiring Deathbringer With Goreaxe and Skullhammer Exalted Deathbringer With Impaling Spear Exalted Deathbringer With Ruinous Axe Lord of Chaos Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord Chaos Sorcerer Lord Wight King Skeletons (for the Necromancer to summon)