From the temperate rainforest of the Olympic Mountains to the scenic islands of eastern Washington, the Washington Wildlife Viewing Guide will lead you to ninety premier wildlife viewing areas and will better your chances of seeing wildlife once you get there. Included are detailed descriptions of each viewing site, maps and access information, helpful tips, and more than forty full-color photographs featuring the wildlife and scenic natural areas of this majestic state. This guide was created through the National Watchable Wildlife Program, a unique partnership initiative coordinated by Defenders of Wildlife. Each site was selected with the help of experts from many of the following organizations and government agencies. These groups also made significant technical contributions to the research and development of this guide: Defenders of Wildlife; Washington Department of Wildlife; Washington Department of Fisheries; Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission; Washington Department of Natural Resources; Washington Department of Trade and Economic Development/Tourist Division; Washington Department of Transportation; Washington Department of Ecology; U.S. Forest Service; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Bureau of Land Management; Bureau of Reclamation; National Park Service; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Makah Indian Nation; Ackerly Communications, Inc.; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; Thousand Trails/NACO; Sea Quest Expeditions/Zoetic Research; Plum Creek Timber Company; Washington Water Power; Eddie Bauer, Inc.; Odessa Economic Development Council.