Water Filter Housing Replacement O Rings for AP801-AP802, KemFlo 5000 & 10000 Series Replacement by KleenWater (2)
Compatible with 3M Aqua-Pure AP801/AP802 Housing by KleenWater
A High Quality, Low Cost Alternative to More Expensive OEM O-rings
For (3) cartridge kit with (1) o ring Amazon Search KW810EC(3)-AP801oring(1)
Two Water Filter Housing Replacement O Rings compatible with 3M Purification Aqua-Pure AP801 / AP802. For (3) AP810 compatible cartridge kit with (1) o ring Amazon Search KW810EC(3)-AP801oring(1). This convenient cartridge - o ring kit is $68.00 with free shipping. We recommend consumers keep a spare o ring on hand to avoid urgent situations. This o ring will accommodate filter housings which require large diameter cartridges. These cartridges have an approximate diameter of 4.5 inches. The o ring itself actually measures approximately 5 5/8 inch (inside diameter). An o ring facilitates a water tight seal between the water filter sump and the water filter head. The most common o rings (o-rings) used in water filtration are made from Buna N material. Buna N is also commonly referred to as nitrile. This is the ideal choice for cold water filtration because they are inexpensive and have superior performance characteristics.