Extensive dictionary features and content in one user-friendly program
Over 87,000 entry words; more than 207,000 definitions
4 powerful search options; crossword help; Spellcheck Plus
Drag-and-drop words for instant definitions; easy to use
Instant Windows interface; help page for phonetic symbols
You're never at a loss for words with the combined authority and power of Random House Webster's College Dictionary on CD-ROM for your personal computer. Hailed by generations of students, reviewers, and readers as the lexicographical leader in hardcover dictionaries, Random House Webster's imports its signature features and breadth of content to one user-friendly software program. With over 200,000 entries loaded into the database, your definition search is never more than a few keystrokes or a quick drag-and-drop away. Scroll through the alphabetical word list, or search by first letters, parts of speech, all words, or numbers in the definition; with Random House Webster's College Dictionary on CD-ROM, finding le mot juste is just more focused.