Proven in extensive scientific research and testing to destroy up to 99% of airborne and surface contaminants including E. coli (Escherichia coli) and Staph (Staphylococcus epidermis)
Plugs directly into AC outlet and operates silently and continuously without filters or replacement parts at a cost of just pennies per month
Reduces dust and eliminates unpleasant odors in enclosed areas (up to 50 SF) without floral-scented sprays, oils or other chemically-formulated room deodorizers
Destroys bacteria in bathrooms, laundry rooms, pantries, garbage cans, closets, diaper pails, and pet areas using highest available ionization (1.2 trillion ions per cubic cm. per second)
Manufactured and developed by Wein Products, the leader since 1964 in environmental pollution control systems for air, water and food safety
Corona discharge air sanitizer and air purifier ionizer protects against pathogenic microbes released when toilet or urinal is flushed. Deodorizes, sterilizes & sanitizes. Helps control microbial growth. Helps prevent bacterial infections. Replaces costly chemical air fresheners that can cause allergic reactions. How The Sanimate Air Purifier Ionizer Works: Contaminated air is drawn into the corona discharge chamber where ionized streams of electrons bombard and destroy the pollutant molecules. Simultaneously, ozone produced in the chamber deodorizes residual offensive gases in outgoing pure air stream. Electron impact decomposition of pollutants has been studied extensively at UCLA School of Microbiology, and other leading US and Japanese labs. This advanced anti-pollution air purifier technology effectively controls over 90% of airborne bacteria. Allow 12 hours of germicidal plasma build-up for odor destruction and microbial control to begin. Plug into highest outlet available. If noise develops, insert cotton swab in center of grill and gently rotate to clean emitter. Direct plug in small area washroom ionic air purifier. Initially, 6 hours is required to notice air cleansing effect. UL listed, high efficiency. Reduces airborne particles and germs. Operates continuously for pennies a month. Silent, filter-less and fan-less air purifier operation. Virtually maintenance free. Built in night light. Platinum emitter and gold plated stainless steel collectors. Very high ion density output. Tested by leading scientists. Purified air flow: 70 feet per minute For small rooms about 250 sq. ft. Ion output: 1.2 trillion ions per second per sq. cm. Ozone level building time: 12 hours for 2000 cu. feet. Dimensions: 2.9" x 3.3" x 1.9" Weight: 3 oz. 90 Day limited manufacturer's warranty, from date of purchase