International renown for our diverse range of products
All our products have been designed with the requirements of the professional in mind
Trusted, designed, and used by experts
Weller transforms hand soldering The art of hand soldering has been around for a very, very long time, thousands of years in fact. But it was only until 1941 that a transformer based instant heating soldering method was deÂvelÂoped by an imÂpaÂtient AmerÂiÂcan radio reÂpairÂman who was tired of sitÂting around waitÂing for his solÂderÂing gun to heat up. Carl E. Weller had to wait until after WWII ended in 1945 to get his Weller ManÂuÂfacÂturÂing Company going. In 1960, the Weller ManÂuÂfacÂturÂing Co. in the US patented the “MagÂnaÂsÂtat†solÂderÂing iron which used a magÂnetic comÂpoÂnent to regÂuÂlate the temÂperÂaÂture at the iron’s tip. In an exÂpanÂsion overÂseas beginning in 1959, the Weller GmbH plant in BeÂsigheim, GerÂmany, along with new plants in other counÂtries, was orÂgaÂnized to manÂuÂfacÂture temÂperÂaÂture conÂtrolled irons and solÂderÂing guns for priÂmarÂily inÂdusÂtrial marÂkets throughÂout EuÂrope and the Near East. KeepÂing pace with the inÂcreasÂing comÂplexÂity of our cusÂtomers’ needs, Weller GerÂmany beÂcame the marÂket leader for deÂvelÂopÂing and manÂuÂfacÂturÂing hand soldering prodÂucts worldÂwide. Our prodÂucts were proudly emÂblaÂzoned with “Made in GerÂmanyâ€, sigÂniÂfyÂing inÂnoÂvaÂtion and reÂliÂaÂbilÂity.