WeMoon accompanies us through the rhythms of earth and sky that pulse through our lives. The datebook presents a comprehensive introduction to astrology; to Sun, Moon, and Earth cycles; and seasonal Holy Days. We explore the 13 moons of our lunar year in a weekataglance format with daily astrological aspects alongside moon phases and signs. In addition, we include astrological insights for each sun sign, month & yearataglance calendars, a complete ephemeris table for the year and blank pages for notes. WeMoon 2020 Astrologersnaimanu james, Gretchen Lawlor, Heather Roan Robbins, Sandra Pastorius, Beate Metz, Susan Levitt, Leah Markman and Mooncat!offer clarifying articles about cosmic events, and how they may affect our opportunities and challenges in the year ahead.