BEWARE OF LOW-QUALITY COUNTERFEIT MUGS FROM UNSCRUPULOUS "OTHER" SELLERS! Only CJ Artisans sells genuine CJ Artisans mugs. Only purchase mugs that are "Sold By CJ Artisans", either fulfilled by Amazon or by us, to ensure you get an actual CJ Artisans mug featuring our great quality. ALL offers from other sellers are counterfeits.
Dishwasher and microwave safe 11oz high-quality ceramic mug
Made in the USA by a small family business founded, owned, and operated by a US military veteran and his rocket scientist wife.
The design is printed on both sides of the mug. We use extremely high heat and pressure to embed ink directly into the surface of the mug, instead of applying a vinyl decal or silkscreen like many others.
Product photographs are a relatively close representation of actual colors, but your individual monitor settings can cause the appearance of the color on the screen to differ from the actual product.