This eBook from colon and bowel disorders expert Jini Patel Thompson outlines the risks involved with supposedly routine colonoscopies, and gives you practical guidelines to help you decide whether you really need to have a colonoscopy or not. This is colonoscopy risk data that even your doctor is unlikely to know – yet all of it is from peer-reviewed medical publications.
She also covers what to do if you decide to have a colonoscopy procedure – the best preparation for a colonoscopy; how to protect yourself from colonoscopy risks, and post-colonoscopy treatment.
Jini Patel Thompson focuses on effective natural treatments for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Her eBook gives you detailed alternative health guidelines on:
•How to prep for a colonoscopy to protect your colon. •A gentler, natural form of colonoscopy preparation. •What to do immediately after a colonoscopy to prevent infection and repair the damage. •What to do for six months following a colonoscopy procedure to restore and build up your protective gut flora (the "good bacteria" in your gut)
As an example, did you know that:
"A common sterilant for colonoscopes (gluteraldehyde) has actually been proven to cause colitis. If you develop any of the following symptoms within 48 hours of having a colonoscopy, it's likely the gluteraldehyde residues on the colonoscope are responsible: Cramps and abdominal pain, tenesmus (painful, urgent straining to defecate), rectal bleeding and in some cases, hemorrhaging."(1)
"Human error also plays a big role in colonoscope contamination. One study observed staff responsible for cleaning colonoscopy apparatus for two years running – and their conclusion was: If the staff do not clean the colonoscope properly prior to disinfection, then no matter what sterilization procedure is in place, the colonoscope remains highly contaminated; and after two years of observation, they discovered a lot of evidence of human error."(2)
1. Glutaraldehyde colitis: radiologic findings, By Birnbaum BA, Gordon RB, Jacobs JE, Department of Radiology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Radiology 1995; 195:131-134
2. High-level disinfection or ''sterilization'' of endoscopes? By Muscarella LF, Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1996;Vol 17, Iss 3:183-187 and Quality improvement in gastrointestinal endoscopy: Microbiologic surveillance of disinfection, By Merighi A, Contato E, et al., Gastrointest Endoscop 1996; Vol 43, Iss 5:457-462
What You Need To Know Before You Have A Colonoscopy
What To Do If You Decide To Have A Colonoscopy
Pre-Colonoscopy Treatment
Post-Colonoscopy Treatment
Colonoscopes Cannot Be Sterilized – Clinical Evidence