What to do when your Child has Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Strategies and Solutions
There are over one million children in the US who suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. These children often have uncontrollable worries and engage in seemingly senseless rituals. Parents and school professionals often feel helpless and frustrated as they struggle to understand and help the child stop the bizarre doubts and habits that take over the child's mind and life. Now, there is hope and help.Dr. Aureen Wagner brings you the latest scientific advances in the treatment of this beguiling disorder along with her many years of experience in treating children and teenagers. Using the metaphor of the Worry Hill, for which she has received international recognition, Dr. Wagner presents a powerful step-by-step approach that countless children have used successfully to triumph over OCD. Her skill, compassion and expert guidance will provide new hope, energy and resolve to help children and their caregivers conquer OCD.Designed to be used alone or with the children's integrated companion book: Up and Down the Worry Hill.