When Earth Reigned Supreme: An Adam Cain Adventure (The Human Chronicles Saga Book 12)
From international bestselling science fiction author T.R. Harris ... here is the 12th BOOK in his Epic Saga of Human Superiority throughout the galaxy:
The Human Chronicles Saga - When Earth Reigned Supreme
Adam Cain is an Alien with an Attitude...
His Adventures Continue.
In this latest edition of the bestselling Human Chronicles Saga, our heroes are presented with their greatest challenge for which they're willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to accomplish.
When Earth Reigned Supreme...
With the Milky Way galaxy engaged in a life-or-death struggle against the evil Sol-Kor Colony, Adam Cain and Riyad Tarazi are made an offer they can't refuse: Travel into another universe and assassinate the Queen of the Sol-Kor. If their mission succeeds, it could end the war with a single stroke, saving trillions upon trillions of innocent creatures from the ravenous, flesh-eating invaders. If not....
Even though the prospects are good for a surprise strike against the Queen,it's what happens afterwards that has the mission planners guessing. Yet regardless of their chances to make it back alive, the importance of the mission outweighs any personal considerations. This willingness for self-sacrifice is what creates heroes, so Adam and Riyad agree to lead a team of elite special forces into a strange universe they know very little about,and against the most-powerful being to ever exist.
Of course, that was before the Humans came along....
Needless to say, once the team makes the leap into the Sol-Kor universe,there's no rest for the wicked. It's non-stop action from beginning to end,requiring the reader to block out enough time to take it all in at once. This is why you read science fiction--for the pure, adrenaline-producing escapism. When Earth Reigned Supreme is your latest fix.
When Earth Reigned Supreme is classic Adam Cain,full of thrilling chases across exotic alien landscapes, through spectacular stellar environments and fights against the most-deadly aliens in any universe.There's an abundance of street-wise humor, plot twists, and fantastic victories that will have you laughing and fist-pumping from the beginning to...The End.
This is the latest installment in the epic saga of The Human Chronicles,where Humanity faces the on-going challenge to teach all the aliens we encounter this one simple lesson: Don't Mess With The Humans!
Book #13--A Clash of Aliens--will be available April 15, 2016. Be on the lookout for publication notifications.
The Novels of T.R. Harris
The Human Chronicles Saga
The Fringe Worlds
Alien Assassin
The War of Pawns
The Tactics of Revenge
The Legend of Earth
Cain's Crusaders
The Apex Predator
A Galaxy to Conquer
The Masters of War
Prelude to War
The Unreachable Stars
When Earth Reigned Supreme
A Clash of Aliens (coming April, 2016)
Jason King:Agent to the Stars
The Enclaves of Sylox
The Drone Wars Series
Day of the Drone
With author George Wier
Captains Malicious - Book 1 of the Liberation Series
All the books are available on