Real meat dog food with perfectly balanced nutrition from the farm, starting with high quality duck
Our Wholesome Harvest Blend provides the fiber, vitamins, minerals and nutrients your dog needs to be their best self
Developed with veterinarian and nutrition experts, this corn free dog food is also made without soy or wheat ingredients
Whole Earth Farms is a wholesome line of naturally nutritious dog food that offers all the goodness from the earth at a great value. Our Whole Earth Farms kibble and canned recipes (including new grain free options) are made in the USA with high quality, natural ingredients that deliver complete and balanced nutrition. Now with more high quality protein, our All-Natural ingredients help support: easier digestibility, less shedding, shinier coat, increased energy, stronger nails and healthier skin. We put in only the good and leave out the rest: no corn, no wheat, no soy, no by-products, no artificial colors, no artificial preservatives and no ingredients from China. Whole Earth Farms is the perfect choice for pet parents interested in exploring natural pet food. All-natural ingredients like fruits and vegetables plus important vitamins & minerals; and grain-free options for both dogs & cats. Affordable goodness: Whole Earth Farms is a great value for pet parents interested in natural pet food at an affordable price – at a lower cost per day compared to mass and grocery brands. Naturally nutritious: Recipes include high-quality protein as the first ingredient; all-natural ingredients like fruits and vegetables plus important vitamins & minerals; and grain-free options for both dogs & cats.