Wild Thera Eczema Cream and Psoriasis Treatment. For Dermatitis, Rosacea, Shingles, Rashes, Tar Psoriasis etc. Herbal Eczema treatment & Eczema lotion. Can use with Eczema Honey and Psoriasis Cream.
- Concentrated herbal balm with pure essential oils. A little goes a long way. No water, no alcohol, no chemicals or stabilizers.
- SOOTHING COMFORT & SUPPORT while moisturizing, healing and nourishing your skin. Restore healthy skin color, texture and tone. This balm can be used alone or with: Psoriasis Eczema Gloves, Eczema creams and ointments, Dermatitis Creams, Eczema Lotion, Eczema Soap, Psoriasis Soap, Eczema Shampoo, Cortisone/Cortizone, Hydrocortisone Ointment, Hydrocortisone Creams, Eczema Treatments, Calendula Cream, Excema Cream etc.
- SAFE & EFFECTIVE NATURAL/ORGANIC INGREDIENTS like Organic Chamomile, Organic Calendula, Organic Lavender, Organic Plantain, Organic Chickweed, Organic Licorice Root and more to reduce symptoms of skin irritations, inflammation, redness, itching, flaking etc. Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the highest purity and Beeswax deliver targeted benefits. Soothing Comfort while moisturizing and nourishing your skin. Easily and quickly absorbs into the skin to restore health and vigor, with a pleasant scent.
- NO HARSH SIDE EFFECTS. Our blend of traditional herbs creates a solution that is Non-Toxic. This product is not a drug for skin diseases like Atopic Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Blisters/Blistering, Seborrheic dermatitis, Itchy Scalp, Dandruff, Contact Dermatitis, Nummular Eczema, Nummular Dermatitis, Fungus/Fungal Infection, Antimicrobial/Antibiotic/Antifungal treatments, Rashes and more.
- MADE IN THE USA. NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS. We offer a variety of Natural, Organic Herbal Balms.
Powerful herbal balm aids to alleviate general dermatitis, agitated skin and breakouts.
 This soothing balm is great for:
- Eczema (Nummular and General)
- Psoriasis (Scalp and Body)
- Rosacea
- Rashes
- Shingles
- Dermatitis and more
Eczaskin balm can be used with other treatments like: Hydrocortisone, Calamine Lotion, Antihistamines, Wet Compresses etc.