Will I See Fido in Heaven?
Will I See Fido in Heaven?", by Christian author Mary Buddemeyer-Porter, has been recommended by Christian ministers throughout the U.S. and abroad including the current Jack Van Impe Television ministry as being reputable and praiseworthy in revealing that non-human animals have eternal life according to the Bible. This concise 124 page book covers many Scriptures from 29 Books of the Bible and includes quotes from the Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, the Jewish Scripture, commentary from noted theologians and fourteen wonderful true-life animal stories. Years of research went into establishing the accuracy of "Will I See Fido in Heaven?" delving into the original Greek and Hebrew translations covering such topics as the innocence of animals, their obedience to God, their intelligence and sacrifice for mankind and the understanding of symbolism as it applies to man and animals. Understanding the eternal soul and spirit of man and beast and the importance of the Holy Spirit for man's salvation is explained in simple but profound terms. "Will I See Fido in Heaven?" gives the reader unquestionable knowledge that all animals do go to heaven.