WHAT’S NEW: Explore new features, submit vote on ideas, and get answers frequently asked questions in the new home screen, easily backup folders, scan files for threats, and comment or annotate on PDF files
ONE-STOP FILE MANAGER: Manage local and cloud files, zip/unzip all major compression formats, and keep your computer clean with automated background tools + 6 exclusive Pro apps to boost your productivity
WINZIP SAFESHARE: Confidently share your files to many locations after compressing and securing with military-grade encryption and time bomb capabilities
WINZIP DUPLICATE FILE FINDER: A deduplication utility that makes detecting and deleting duplicate files a quick and effortless process
WINZIP PDF EXPRESS: Create a PDF from any document or export into other formats, reorder and add or delete pages, combine multiple documents into one, and add a comment on a new or existing PDF file
WINZIP IMAGE MANAGER: Easily convert image formats, rotate, resize, and crop for single or multiple images, then share your pictures by encrypting and removing camera information or EXIF data