Where do we go from here? Our Adventist pioneers disagreed over such issues as the Trinity or the King of the North. Today Adventists debate the age of the earth and the ordination of women. But always our approach toward resolving differences should include one vital element: Fairness. In those early days, our pioneers heard each other out. They presented their views in Bible study sessions. They would never have been satisfied with hearing only one side of an issue. And they earnestly prayed for the Holy Spirit to unify them in their understanding of Scripture. • What, if anything, does the Bible have to say about the ordination of women? • Does it matter how we interpret the Bible? • Was Paul’s counsel limited to a certain time, place, and culture? • Must women keep silent in church? • What were the ideal roles given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? • Should each division of the world church decide the issue of women’s ordination for their territory? • What is the secret to our unity as a world church? This timely book addresses these questions and more in a reader-friendly way, backed by solid scholarship