At times, childhood worries can be very BIG, and at other times, very small. No matter how big or small the worries, they are all important in the life of a child. Parents can help kids learn to manage stress and tackle everyday problems with ease using word eaters as a tool to identify worries, classify misunderstandings or misconceptions, resolve conflicts and build self-esteem, while promoting the development of healthy coping skills. Kids who can do this develop a sense of confidence and optimism that will help them after life challenges, big and small. Each family is different, and you as a parent know your child best- between you and your child you can determine if the worries placed inside their Worry Eater are for sharing with you, or if they would like to keep these worries between themselves and their Worry Eater. Worry Eaters allow children a chance to identify worries and separate themselves from that worry or problem giving the child some time to “take a break†from carrying the weight of that worry. This separation, giving the worry to the Worry Eater, allows children the opportunity to look at the worry or problem separate from themselves. The act of then sharing that worry with a parent, caregiver or trusted friend can help a child problem solve solutions, face that worry, and/or just acknowledge that the worry exists !