1. radioactive workplace: X ray and gamma ray radiation device: X ray machine (DR), X ray CT, X ray image device (DSA), X-ray, X-ray, tomography, dental, Department of orthopedics, X - ray and CT protection;
2. interventional radiology: cardiovascular angiography, radiation particle implantation protection, simulator, after installation, linear accelerator, X knife, gamma knife and other computer room protection;
3. radiation equipment: radiation source, source device and ray device, industrial radiographic flaw detector, gamma ray flaw detector, non sealed radioactive source, X ray diffractometer, nuclear facilities and irradiation facilities and other large facilities;
4. underground non uranium mines: miners such as coal mines, non-ferrous metal mines, iron ore and tin mines are protected by radiation from high levels of radon and their progeny.
5. other: in vitro lithotripsy, bone mineral density measurement, X ray diffractometer protection, etc..