Using head, heart, mind, and body, Yoga, photographed in Hawaii and California by Blaine Michioka, demonstrates how a fusion of our physical and spiritual worlds can create flexibility, strength, confidence, and well-being. Each of the asanas pictured will inspire practitioners to transcend limitations and achieve a new sense of personal balance in the 'serene extreme.' (11 × 28 inches, open). January: EKA PADA RAJAKAPOTASANA (One Foot King Pigeon Pose). February: CHACKRASANA. March: MAYURASANA (Peacock Pose). April: USTRASANA (Camel Pose). May: HANUMANASANA. June: UPAVISTA KONASANA. July: ARDHA CHANDRASANA (Half Moon Pose). August: UTTHITA HASTA PADANGUSTASANA. September: NATARAJASANA. October: ECKAPADA RAJAKAPOTEASANA. November: HEADSTAND 1. December: UTHITAHASTA PADANGUSTASANA.