That this book has already run into eight editions is in itself the best tribute that can be paid to this, one of the first books written by Sri Swamiji Maharaj.
About the book and its author, we cannot do better than to quote from the Publisher’s Note to the first edition of this book, in which Sri Em. Airi writes:
“His Holiness Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati needs scarcely any introduction to the vast multitudes of reading public that pants for spiritual unfoldment and Self-Realisation. The revered Yogi belongs to the ages and ranks amongst the blessed souls who have had the good fortune to taste the Nectar of Cosmic Consciousness. In clear, simple and impressive style the Swami addresses the young and yet inexperienced spiritual aspirants and lays down before them the fundamentals of spirituality and the various means essentially requisite for Divine Wisdom.â€
“This book is a message from the great Yogi of the Himalayas to the helpless and bewildered seekers of Truth. This inspiring and soul-stirring little volume will, we venture to say, undoubtedly contribute its mite to the moral and spiritual perfection of the human race in general and the aspirants in particular. As we wish to present this volume in a popular and a presentable style, it is printed on good paper and got up excellently well. If this book appeals to the broad-minded and expanded hearts amongst the religious reformers and also aspirants, the Publishers’ labours will have been sufficiently recompensed.â€
We reiterate Sri Airi’s pious wish as we offer this priceless treasure to the blessed aspirant-world.