The best fluorescent tube that we've ever used for our reptiles' UVB requirements! Other tubes that we tried either don't have adequate output in the beginning or they degrade much faster than should be expected. T5HO 46" UVB 10.0 Reptile Fluorescent Tube which is appropriate for bearded dragons and most other desert reptiles; fits the Reptile T5HO 46" Standard Fixture & Reflector. This 46" model is perfect for oversized habitats greater than 36" in length. It is also useful for breeders that run their fixtures perpendicular across several plastic tub habitats. Basking requirements can be satisfied using our Reptile GU10 Halogen Basking Light Assembly with 54" AC cord. A UVB 10.0 Reptile Fluorescent Tube means that 10% of the tube's output is UVB. This UVB is necessary for your reptile's synthesis of vitamin D3, which is essential for the effective metabolism of dietary calcium in its bones and blood. Some reptiles require more or less UVB than others. Bearded dragons and similar desert reptiles require more UVB and a 10.0 tube is the better choice. Green iguanas, anoles and similar jungle / forest reptiles require less UVB and a 5.0 tube is the better choice in smaller habitats when these reptiles are younger. We also prefer to use the 5.0 tube for our translucent bearded dragons and for our silkback bearded dragons ("silkies"). UVB output is also influenced by a reflector's efficiency and the distance to the reptile. This T5HO 46" UVB 10.0 Reptile Fluorescent Tube with the fixture listed above is a superior addition to the habitats of bearded dragons, Rankin dragons, horned toad lizards, uromastyx, most other desert reptiles, small turtles and turtles. Animal should be no closer than 10" directly under the fixture and no closer than 6" diagonally from the sides or ends of the fixture.