Zulu is the story of a people who fought for their king, their herds, and each other against an empire that spanned the world. They almost won...
Mbeki and Ingonyama are the gifted sons of the blacksmith Jama. Their adventures at the royal court of King Cetshwayo draw them into the great events of a kingdom on the cusp of a golden age. There they meet Inyati, an exiled Matabele prince, and Nandhi, the daughter of a northern baron. Their unlikely friendship promises a life of peace and plenty, but their future is darker than they could ever imagine.
Through love triangles and power struggles, boxing matches and elephant hunts, brush fires and battles, they are witnesses to the astonishing true story of an iron age pastoral civilization that held off a quarter of the world for six agonizing months before their whole world collapsed into ashes and dust.