PROTEX Convertible Soft Top Care Kit with Canvas Cleaner, Restorer (Black) & Waterproofer - 1Ltr., Giant Microfibre Towel, Brushes and Microfibre Clothes - COMPLETE KIT.……
WHAT DOES THIS PRODUCT DO - Canvas Cleaner - Specially formulated to deep clean and help prevent the growth of green this cleaner will remove everyday contaminates such as bird droppings, road salt, tree sap, and . Cleaning your top is the first stage in the Protex soft top restoration process.
COVERAGE & PREPARATION - Canvas Restorer - It is recommended that approximately 1 Litre of product is sufficient to restore a top for a 4 seater car. It is best to apply the product in cool/overcast conditions so that drying time is not too fast and to avoid causing an uneven finish.
COVERAGE & PREPARTION - Canvas Waterproofer - It is recommended that approximately 1 Litre of product is sufficient to waterproof a top for a 4 seater car. It is best to apply the product in cool/overcast conditions so that drying time is not too fast and to avoid causing an uneven finish. Shake the bottle well and decant sufficient product into a separate container to apply to the soft top.
FOLLOW UP - Do not expose to moisture until the proofer has completely dried. After waterproofing it is recommended that the canvas is sealed and protected using Protex Canvas Waterproofer every six months.