iProven 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips, Fertility Kit (50LH + 20 HCG), FSA Eligible, Fast and Easy Fertility Test for Women
Why use an ovulation calculator or a fertility monitor? The iProven FK127 is the one stop solution for predicting your most fertile moment in the month, and monitoring if it worked out as per your expectations. This kit contains 50 LH urine test strips. LH is the hormone in a women body that is related to your ovulation. Based on the outcome the strips produces, you will see if your LH hormone has raised compared to the day before. Based on the raise, your 'LH surge' can be found. Once the surge is there, you are about to ovulate. If you have intercourse right after you detect your LH- surge within the 24 hours following, the chance to get pregnant will be highest. The HCG pregnancy urine test strips will show you if it worked out well. How does it work? HCG pregnancy test: When a woman is pregnant, HCG is produced by the developing placenta and secreted into the urine. Following the instructions on when and how to collect urine and perform the test, you are able to see if you are pregnant. The strips have a test line, and a control line. The test line becomes red when HCG is detected and the control line becomes red to show that the test was done correctly. LH fertility test: This test has a optimal sensitivity to determine when your LH level is at its highest point. This is called the LH-surge. Ovulation will follow the LH-surge. The test line becomes red when LH is detected and the control line becomes red to show that the test was done correctly. Predicting ovulation and concluding pregnancy have been high on the priority list of scientists for decades. This kit is the outcome of this hard work. An Essantial TTC Kit when you trying to conceive. Buy today and start monitoring in a few days. We've got you covered!