IllumiPeg Fairy Tale Refill templates for Basic Fun Lite Brite Magic Screen Retro Style (12 Sheets, 6x8)
Build Beautiful Creations for Hours!
Unleash your child's creativity and watch your favorite designs come to life.
Safe, fun, and easy to use, IllumiPeg Lite Brite refills are one-of-kind creations
developed to engage your child's imagination for hours as they create new vibrant
images one after the other.
Fairy Tale Templates Included (12 ct):
Wolf, Gnome, Fairy, Prince & Princess, Dragon, Pumpkin Coach, Wizard, Witch and Apple, Jester, Knight, Frog and Hunchback.
With each new design, children will learn early childhood skills such as:
Hand-eye coordination
Fine motor skills
Attention span
Problem solving skills
Color & letter recognition
Spatial awareness
*Templates are non-reusable*
Lite Brite refill sheets are compatible with the following Magic Screen toys: Lite Brite create with Light, Bridge Direct Lite,
Lite Brite Magic Screen - Retro Style, My Little Pony Magic Screen, Basic Fun Create with Lite, and Basic Fun Lite Brite.
Compatible with the following asins B00LP8F1JQ B07J245JCC B014PFK7MQ B07G2CLF28 B01FHOYK5O