40 Fundamentals of English Riding: Essential Lessons in Riding Right
- Author: McNeil, Hollie H..
- Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC
- Pages: 192
- Publication Date: 2011
- Edition: Har/DVD
- Binding: Hardcover
- MSRP: 35
- ISBN13: 9781603427890
- ISBN: 1603427899
- Language: en
- Quality Rating: 1
- "Book cover image may be different than what appears on the actual book."
Learn correct seat, leg, and hand positions; the three basic gaits of walk, trot, and canter; how to perform halt and half-halt; how to direct a horse€s movement correctly and energetically; and much more. Each fundamental is defined and explained, with plenty of tips on proper technique and an emphasis on how to avoid common errors. The book comes with a 90-minute DVD showing action sequences for each fundamental.