A New Little Ice Age Has Started: How to survive and prosper during the next 50 difficult years.
The debate is over. Science has been proven right by the events of the last eighteen years. Climate is changing: global warming does not exist, but a New Little Ice Age has already started.
The Author, one of B.C.’s leading trial lawyers, now retired, has assembled all the evidence to convince even the most devout global warming believer including:
•The opinions of dozens of scientists who predict a return to Little Ice Age conditions.
•An explanation of the connection between low sunspots and cold weather.
•Analysis of the solar cycles that bring climate change and ice ages to Earth.
•Discussion of the conditions during the last Little Ice Age (1300-1850).
•Comparison of today’s weather events with past ice ages.
•A complete debunking of the “Global Warming†theory.
He discusses the totally corrupt practices of the U.N. IPCC, the organization that delivered the global warming and ocean acidification scares to the world, and warns of the certainty of mass starvation, disease and social unrest, particularly among the poor in Canada and the U.S. and in the Third World.
There is hope for North Americans. Warm Zones exist and based on his own experiences as a ‘Back to the Land†advocate in the 1970s, he suggests ways to survive and prosper during the next 50 difficult years.
Part of the proceeds of the sale of this book will go to the homeless and hungry in Canada and the United States.