Armor Of God: Protection From Satanic Opposition (Spiritual Warfare Book 2)
When I was researching this book I recognized that, in certain parts of the church, Christians may not be ready for an increase in spiritual warfare that is heading towards them.
This is because many people have ignored Paul's entreaty, in Ephesians Chapter 6, to put on the full armor of God and to enter the battle field; a battle field that exists in heavenly places.
When we don't wear God's armor, we end up trying to protect ourselves from difficult circumstances, sent by the evil one, by using our own natural defenses.
We fail to perceive that the difficult circumstances we face can be a direct consequence of the work of the evil one behind the scenes of our lives in the spiritual realm.
This is not to suggest that we should spiritualize every natural occurrence that comes our way, in fact most people would never consider doing such a thing.
However, Christians sometimes fail to discern that the enemy is behind some of these so called natural occurrences, or difficult circumstances. They end up running around in circles trying to sort out their difficulties in their own strength, and they become worn out by the process.
Sadly, some of those spiritual battles can go on year after year, simply because the person trapped by their circumstances have not known how to fight the battle in God's strength, and by wearing God's armor.
But the question that needs answering today is, why do people not put on the full armor of God? There are lots of reasons why people do not put the full armor of God on.
For one thing, some people lose interest in the armor of God because it takes them back to their Sunday school days. That is, they are unable to attach any real importance or significance to putting on the armor of God. It's like putting on baby clothes, especially for someone who regards themselves as a mature Christian.
Sadly, and with respect, some Christians are not as spiritually mature as they might think. In fact, it does not matter how spiritual we think we are, everyone will face difficult circumstances in their lives at some point in their walk with God; it’s inevitable.
However, with the right encouragement concerning spiritual warfare, such Christians can discover God's help in times of crisis.
Therefore, let me encourage you to continue reading this book with an open mind, and a willingness to deal with the difficulties that you might be facing in the days to come.