Counter Sniper Handbook - Eliminate the Risk with the Official US Army Manual: Suitable Countersniping Equipment, Rifles, Ammunition, Noise and Muzzle ... and Decisive Reaction to the Attack
Counter Sniper aims to reduce the damage caused by a sniper, which can often be very harmful. The individual who shoots at police, firemen, soldiers or citizens is certainly dangerous. In order to counteract, it is necessary to train individuals whose knowledge and skills fall within the description of a sniper, but who are known as Counter snipers. This handbook provides the crucial information in the selection of the right equipment, preparation, training, and the decisive actions of the counter sniper.
Noise and Muzzle Flash
General Notes
Trajectory of 222 Cartridge
Description of Epoxy Impregnation of Stock
Firing Positions
Typical Countersniper Situations
Suitable Countersniping Equipment