This is a book the likes of friends Cornwall, Kristian and Low, would give their eye-teeth to have what you can or must to get hold of this book, you won’t regret it. Speesh Reads.
Britannia 523A.D. Chaos sweeps the land as rival warlords fight for control of its riches. Into this toxic brew a small tribe clings to its new colony of Anglia as war rages along the frontier.

But Britannia is not the only land in flux and powerful enemies covet the homeland of Engeln itself. As Danish raids increase in daring and ferocity, a momentous decision is reached as the English king prepares to lead his people on the greatest campaign in their nation's history.

A hero, Eofer king's bane lands the first blow. Leading a lightning-fast raid he burns Heorot, the heart of the Danish kingdom. Before the Danes can recover Eofer leads an army north, laying waste the lands of the Jutes as the war of fire and steel begins…Â

Fire & Steel is the first in a major new series which chronicles the migration and settlement of the first English people, the Angles.