As the cataclysmic events unfold at Ravenswood, Beowulf lies locked in a death duel with the forces of Hel. Victorious he gathers a war band, crossing the sea to Daneland to fulfil his destiny. But with the monster vanquished, Beowulf discovers that killing Grendel was not his greatest test after all. Woden has one more, even more powerful fiend to confront as the god’s vie for ascendency over Middle earth.
KING’S BANE This is a book the likes of friends Cornwall, Kristian and Low, would give their eye-teeth to have what you can or must to get hold of this book, you won’t regret it. SPEESH READS
BRENNUS - CONQUEROR OF ROME The real test of writing a series is the answer to the question, ‘Do I want to read on?’ I look forward with pleasurable anticipation to volume two, having enjoyed this far more than most of the commercially published fiction I have read and reviewed in the past two years. HISTORICAL NOVEL SOCIETY REVIEWS