Flashpoint 13" Vlogger Light AC Powered 50W 5500K Fluorescent Ring Light with Bag
Flashpoint 13" AC Powered 600W 5500K Fluorescent Light Ring Take the cool continuous power of fluorescent light, blend it with the soft, shadowless caress of a ring light, add a 13" diameter of 5500K at 600w and you have the formula for great results for video and still photography when the subject demands a beauty solution. The Flashpoint 13" AC Powered 600W 5500K Fluorescent Light Ring is a lightweight, portable ring of light that delivers. A control allows you to vary the light intensity to precisely balance with available fluorescent lighting and finding the right touch without repositioning. This light ring uses 50W of power which produces relatively low heat, allowing for closer subject lighting and keeps the model's comfort and make-up just right. The ring fits atop a standard light stand and can be tilted to any angle. The light ring produces true beauty quality, and it is a favorite among fashion, children photographers and journalists, creating signature catchlights in the eyes. Macro photographer love it, too, for the soft envelope of illumination that seems to fill every hard to reach place. The radiance is soft and virtually free of shadows, but softer effects can be reached by the separately available diffusion 'sock'. The optional snap on Flashpoint 13" filters set includes diffusion and color gels for balancing with tungsten or adding warmth to lighting. Speaking of option s, while suggested for products and portraits, the