This is the 11th installment in the Forsaken Riders MC Bad Boy biker series of NOVELLA length STAND ALONE stories...
The small town of Slate Springs is hiding a wild and lawless secret... At the center of its quiet society is a ruthless motorcycle club, The Forsaken Riders. They are everything the straight laced town is not…wild, dangerous, full of themselves … and sexy as hell.
Paige is the ultimate good girl. She’s a kindergarten teacher, a sweet, self-sufficient do-gooder who loves taking care of others and is more than used to putting herself second. She has never had time for a relationship, and her work always comes first. So when her co-worker convinces her to let her hair down and takes her on a wild night out in Slate Springs, the last place she ever thought she would end up is on the wrong side of town dancing in The Bleeding Bullet – the notorious biker bar. But as two different worlds collide an unbreakable bond is forged. Paige meets Hunter – a wild biker and mysterious alpha male who is about to turn her world upside down.
With a threat on the horizon bigger than any of the bikers could ever imagine, can old scores be settled to defeat something even greater? And will this unlikely couple thrive in the face of adversity, or go down in a blaze of glory? One this is for certain, Paige and Hunter are about to be tested like no other, and nothing will ever be the same again.
This story is intended for mature audiences 18+. For a limited time it also includes BONUS STORiES for your enjoyment.