This is the latest installment in the Forsaken Riders MC Bad Boy biker series of NOVELLA length stories...
The small town of Slate Springs is hiding a wild and lawless secret... At the center of its quiet society is a ruthless motorcycle club, hell bent on domination.
Nineteen year old Serena is heading across the country in search of her long lost brother. One that she hasn't seen properly in nearly a decade, but one that she has just gotten an alarming phone call from telling her that he's been hurt. When she arrives in Slate Springs she has no idea what she is walking into... but the last thing she expects to find is a clubhouse out in the desert, full of big, burly and dangerous bikers that are in the midst of an all out war.
Serena's presence shakes everything up from the second she walks through the door... And not only does her big brother Lynx want to make sure that she stays safe, he also wants to ensure that he has a say on who she should be spending her time with...
But when Serena meets Stick... the new young blood bad boy who has recently joined the brotherhood, she knows that she isn't going to be able to honor her brothers wishes. She is falling hard and fast and embarking on a secret love affair around The Forsaken Riders club house that is going to change her forever... the only question is... will they be able to keep it a secret for long..?
***INCLUDES a pile of FREE STORIES for a limited time only!!!!***
Warning: This ebook contains mature language and themes and is suitable for 18+ readers only
This story is best enjoyed by those who are looking for MC Biker Alpha Male Bad Boy Motorcycle Club New Adult Contemporary Short Stories series Collection Bundle Mega Pack Romance Series