How to Run for Local Office is a complete step-by-step campaign manual that will give any candidate running for political office an edge over their opponent. You will find inside the covers everything you need to know to run a sucessfull political campaign. It will increase your odds of winning a political campaign and more. This book is the second edition to the original, which has sold over 20,000 copies and has been listed on Amazon for over a decade. If you are running a political campaign for Mayor, Councilperson, Trustee, Clerk, Auditor, Sheriff, Township Supervisor or any other office, you will give your campaign a boost by having this book. It is well worth the money and in most cases, you can purchase it out of your campaign funds. When you think about how much money you spend on yard signs and political literature, and compare that with the cost of this book, this is your best investment you can make for your campaign. And, if you win, this book if full of valuable advice on what to do to ensure your reelection time and time again.