OLD GUNS: Forty-Seventh in a Series of Jess Williams Westerns (A Jess Williams Western Book 47)
Jess leaves Black Creek, Kansas, where he enjoyed a wonderful Christmas with all his friends. Now, he’s back to the business of hunting down the worst of killers for the bounty on their head. His first hunt is for Craig Lancaster, which takes him into the middle of New Mexico Territory and a town called San Pedro.
He then stops in a town called Haystack, where he meets a retired lawman by the name of Jake Hayden. Hayden tells him about how he’s on his way to help an old friend in need. It seems his old friend’s daughter has been kidnapped by one of the outlaws he had sent to prison years ago. Hayden talks Jess into joining him on his journey.
Jess finds himself helping Hayden and two other old retired lawmen, the youngest of which is pushing sixty. The men they go after are dangerous killers and Jess finds himself being slowed down by one man that can’t see, one that can’t hear and another who can’t remember things. He begins to wonder if he’ll ever rescue the daughter before one of the men he’s riding with gets him killed.