For Dumplings' Sake! They come in many sizes: small, medium, large, even giant, and in different shapes: round, square, long, flat, thick, or thin. They can be prepared many different ways: boiled, steamed, poached, stewed, baked, fried. A number of different kinds of dumplings are a part of Czech and Slovak cuisine, but the dumpling finds a way to please almost anyone's taste or fancy. We have included a number of recipes in this collection that reflect this universal appeal. A famous dumpling story comes from the Revolutionary War. Legend or truth-it seems that during the harsh winter of 1777-78, the troops at Valley Forge were very low in morale. General Washington ordered a good meal to cheer and warm his troops. He was told by the cook that there was nothing but scraps in the stores of food, but the order would be obeyed. The cook improvised a soup with the heart of the meal being dumplings. The legend continues that the success of the Revolution belongs to soup and dumplings. And so it is that we still find the dumpling warming both body and soul at the table.