The Amazing Queen Bee
The series centers around a 9-year-old girl named Maya whose active imagination leads her to envision herself as "The Amazing Queen Bee," a superhero with extraordinary abilities that helps her deal with difficult situations. Enjoy this introduction to the series. There is also an extra bonus 'Character feature' added for readers allowing them an up-close and personal look at some of the other fascinating characters in this series.
This is the first in the series of family eBooks. Readers will be captivated as Maya blends the "real world" with her imaginary world. The series will be known for its unique visual style and compelling stories which will jump from Maya's imagination into the "real world," showing the consequences of Maya's actions. "The Amazing Queen Bee," will feature eBooks geared towards kids ages 3-11, 12-18 and 19 and over.
The series is broken down into 3 categories:
Bumblebee (Ages: 3-11), Queen or "Q" (Ages: 12-18) and Yellow Jacket (Ages: 19 and over)
Bumblebee (Ages: 3-11)
Features a poignant look at family life and deals with issues
affecting children & families.