The Change Management Pocket Guide, Second Edition
The Change Management Pocket Guide is a fantastic resource for people who need to make change happen. This tactical, hands-on guide will lead you through the steps in the entire process from planning for a change through sustaining new ways in your organization. In the Pocket Guide, you will find 31 valuable change management tools that can be easily customized for any organization. These tools are detailed and flexible, and you can adjust the scale to fit your needs. Many can be used throughout the project or with different audiences. Here is what is new in the Second Edition: Added a Tool Selection Guide; Added the Change Management Effort Assessment tool; Added the People Impact Assessment tool; Added the Communication Audit tool; Added the Training Plan tool; Replaced the HR Measures Form tool with the Post Implementation Scorecard; Changed the name of the HR Measures Questionnaire and the One Minute Exchange; Added some QR Codes so you can easily access our free Change Readiness Audit App or our website; Moved the order of some of the tools.