Stephen Nelson Haskell (1833–1922) was an evangelist, missionary and editor in the Seventh-day Adventist Church who became one of the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific.
He also authored several books including: The Story of Daniel the Prophet, The Story of the Seer of Patmos, and The Cross and Its Shadow.
At the present day the person who comes to the study of the New Testament through the interpreting lights of the types and symbols of the Levitical services, finds a depth and richness in the study that are found in no other way. It is impossible to have exalted views of Christ's atoning work if the New Testament is studied without a previous knowledge of the deep, bloodstained foundations in the Old Testament gospels of Moses and the prophets.
In "The Cross and Its Shadow, " the type and the antitype are placed side by side, with the hope that the reader may thus become better acquainted with the Savior. It is not the intention of the author of this work to attack any error that may have been taught in regard to the service of the sanctuary, or to arouse any controversy, but simply to present the truth in its clearness.
The book is the result of many years of prayerful study of the types and symbols of the sanctuary service, and is sent forth with a prayer that the reading of it may arrest the attention of the thoughtless, give the Christian new views of Christ's character, and lead many into the sunlight of God's love.
CONTENTS SECTION I. THE SANCTUARY Chapter 1: Light in the Darkness Chapter 2: The Tabernacle Chapter 3: The History of the Sanctuary SECTION II. FUNITURE OF THE SANCTUARY Chapter 4: Sanctuary Furniture: The Ark, Chapter 5: The Golden Candlestick Chapter 6: The Table of Showbread Chapter 7: The Altar of Incense SECTION III. THE PRIESTHOOD Chapter 8: Christ our High Priest, Chapter 9: Work of the High Priest Chapter 10: The Priests Chapter 11: The Levites Chapter 12: The Garments of the Priests SECTION IV. SPRINGTIME ANNUAL FEASTS Chapter 13: The Passover Chapter 14: The feasts of Unleavened Bread Chapter 15: The Offering of the First-Fruits Chapter 16: Pentecost SECTION V. VARIOUS OFFERINGS Chapter 17: The Sin Offering Chapter 18: The Burnt Offering Chapter 19: The Drink Offering Chapter 20: The Meat Offering Chapter 21: The Trespass Offering Chapter 22: The Offering of the Red Heifer Chapter 23: The peace Offering Chapter 24: The Cleansing of the Leper SECTION VI. SERVICES OF THE SACNTUARY Chapter 25: The Court and its Services Chapter 26: The Work in the First Apartment Chapter 27: The Wonderful Prophecy of Daniel Eight SECTION VII. THE AUTUMNAL ANNUAL FEASTS Chapter 28: The Feast of Trumpets Chapter 29: The Day of Atonement, or work in second Apartment of Sanctuary Chapter 30: Duty of Congregation on Day of Atonement Chapter 31: The Nature of the Judgment Chapter 32: The Feast of Tabernacles SECTION VIII. LEVITICAL LAWS AND CEREMONIES Chapter 33: The Feast of Jubilee Chapter 34: The Cities of Refuge Chapter 35: The Rock Chapter 36: Various Levitical laws SECTION IX. The Tribes of Israel Chapter 49: The 144, 000